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An update on my vida in Quito


I can’t believe how long it has been since my last post, sorry mom. Frankly, not much has changed. However, I have learned a lot of English, grown a greater appreciation for all of my teachers, explored the depths of my brain, celebrated Thanksgiving, prayed for Bodhi, danced in the park, ate a lot of food, and got a cold. That's about it. In this post I will dive into all that has happened in mi vida the last few weeks:)

Lesson planning, AKA the work del diablo, has begun to drive me completely crazy. I try to always have plans for the next few days ready. This helps a lot for if one of my classes flies through an exercise I think will take about half an hour, and it also makes it easier to connect all of my lessons. But, I constantly redo my lesson plans thinking they could be a little bit better.

Through teaching, I have realized how amazing most of my teachers and professors were. I was lucky enough to go to school in Connecticut growing up which has some of the best public schools in the US, and in college I knew I had some of the best professors. I constantly find myself thinking “how did I learn this in Spanish or French?”

I teach two two hour classes every day, which adds up to a twenty hour work week, forty when you include all the lesson planning. Entonces, I have had some extra time on my hands. Recently, I've been using that time to get ahead, plan some trips over winter break, catch up with friends and family, and move into my new apartment! There were also a few nights I was up late, staring into the corners of my brain trying to figure myself out. So far no breakthroughs.

Spending Thanksgiving away from home made me really homesick. Especially, with Bodhi in the hospital. (Thanking all the Gods that he is home safe and healthy now.) Also because ‘homesick’ was one of the vocab words I had to teach my students that day. In addition, it was our movie day, naturally we watched “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. Which made me miss home a little more. To help with this homesickness, Emma and I hosted the rest of the volunteers to spend Thanksgiving at our new apartment. We had sort of a potluck, as turkey is extremely expensive here.

Also this week is Fiestas de Quito. Which for me has consisted of the following; every morning Emma and I go to la Parque Carolina and I start to dance while the bands are setting up and the park is empty, until Emma tells me that I am "embarrassing her". That "we are already getting enough cat calls without me dancing in the middle of the park at nine in the morning". Then we walk through all the tents to see what the artists are selling, look at the street food, while Emma convinces me that I do not want to get another parasite. Last night, we went to a concert in the park and danced until everyone else left. Friday, we’re going to take a chiva into the historic district and then check out some of the free museums!

Eso es todo nuevo en mi vida. I will be coming home the 23rd of December to spend Christmas with my family. If you want to see me send me a message so we can plan something. Otherwise, I am hanging out with Bodhi and no one else. I also created a blog for my students work, and I am really proud of them. If anyone is interested in reading some of their pieces, check it out!. Here's the link

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