The new me, Teacher Kelly
This last week, I got to do what I came here for-teach English! I am completely in love with my classes, and things have just been working out seamlessly for me.
My classes have been a great success. I leave class every day feeling fantastic. My classes have just been perfect. Each night, I walk down the four flights of stairs proud of myself, amazed with how much I am enjoying teaching, and astonished with how brilliant each of my students are.
Now that I have a regular schedule, I have been able to pay attention to things other than school also. I have finally had the chance to work out every day, take time to reflect on my mental and physical health, write, and have a little more control over the food I am eating.
Every night, I teach class from four to eight. During the day I work on my lesson plans, preparing games and quizzes, and grading homework or writing assignments from the day before. This weekend, I celebrated Halloween and did as much lesson planning as possible, trying to get ahead.
What I have reflected upon recently is things that were only a few years ago, feel like a lifetime ago. I never imagined I would be here, in Quito, teaching English at one of the best Universities in the country. I never envisioned myself enjoying teaching so much, and for the last month, I never realized how fast I would come to call Quito, home. Or call myself Teacher Kelly.
I guess what I am saying is I had this plan, this basic frame for what my life would look like, and while that has been consistently changing almost every day of my life, I thought after I graduated I had the basic timeline of how my life would pan out.
I’m sure that mine is the same as almost everyone’s lifetime frame, but so far I’m deviating from my course. I’m not on a gap year saving money-but volunteering and making no money, spending whatever I have saved, and now that I have a two year visa, thinking about all the different ways I can stay after my one year contract with CEC Politecnica, and travel around Ecuador and other countries in South America. Trying to figure out what I came here to do, something more meaningful than teach English. I still don’t know what I want to get my masters in, and my end goal keeps changing.
All I know, is right now, the new me is Teacher Kelly. Having a fantastic time, learning more every day, and a completely different person than just yesterday.
While Writing: Sabor a mi by: Moniseur Perine