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  • Writer's pictureKELLY SHEEHAN

Tuve un sueño

I had two dreams

The first dream was you,

that I liked you

that I would see you again.

The classic fall for someone new.

The second was

a dream that made me believe

I would wake up somewhere else.

A dream that messed up my sheets

as much as my head.

We were running, and

I don’t know what that means.

Usually, I would want to start something,

but for the first time

I don't.

I’m guilty.

It’s addictive.

You draw me in.

It’s this intertwinedness

like cuddling,

rather than spooning.

I’m rambling.

Tuve un sueño,

our lives had mingled.

Tuve un sueño.

While writing: Me Rehuso by: Danny Ocean

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