It’s been a month!
So many things have changed, and I think I am finally starting to adapt and become acclimated to this new life of mine. We finished orientation, and have a week off before we begin teaching classes on Monday. I spent the first part of this vacation getting out of the city, and went to Baños. I also want to update anyone that might be worried because of my last post of some very exciting news;
El primero and most important thing that I want to share with you is that I am finally no longer sick! I passed my parasite and can finally hold a meal down. El segundo, I bought a new phone so I have been taking some more pictures, but they’re not that fantastic. And lastly, I think I’m finally starting to figure out my life here in Quito.
Even though I feel like I am starting to find “mi gente” I still really miss my people back home. Cuantos cambios seran suficientes? I feel like everything in my life has completely changed. Starting with no longer talking to the people that mean the most to me every single day. Don’t get me wrong, technology does make it possible, but it also makes it hurt a little more when we hang up. Also, it is so exhausting pretending to be this extremely extrovert person, just to make sure that I don’t feel like I’m missing something. Since orientation has ended, all I wanted was to sit in my room alone, and do absolutely nothing. Kudos to me because that is exactly what I did today.
I just sat here and did absolutely nothing. That’s not true. I watched Netflix almost all day. You know, when you’re binge watching Netflix, and sort of become a zombie, in this half-awake state. Well that happened to me after watching the fifth episode straight of my new show, and got out of it when I couldn’t figure out where I was.
For the rest of this week off you may wonder what I have planned, and the answer is absolutely nothing. I want to just relax. Have some me time. I think I deserve it. Knowing me, I’ll probably still be super busy doing nothing. Or come up with a million things to occupy my time doing nothing.